
  • Baby-Boomer.  
  • Grew up in Perth, Australia.
  • Decided to fly Aeroplanes.
  • Schoolmates laughed, but I flew Aeroplanes anyway.
  • Current City - Sydney (The Emerald City)
  • Current Status - Retired with more than a few hours in the logbook
  • Volunteer at the Hars Aviation Museum - Albion Park

About Perth in the Sixties

Well, for a start, we had a REALLY cool view of the NASA launches.  The most common orbital trajectory had the spacecraft over Perth about 45 min after launch.

Absolute BEST view ... Apollo 13 in it's parking orbit - burst out of the Earth's shadow over my house about an order of magnitude brighter than Venus.

And then, I got to see the first few seconds of the re-entry from my lounge-room, though it took a couple of decades for me to confirm that what I'd seen was what I thought I'd seen, if you catch my drift.

The Blog

The blog is partially a record for me and partially an exploration of free, cross platform, open source software.  I want to see how far it can go and what it can do.  Don't be surprised if I throw in something from left field though - we can all do with something a bit different.

I don't get that many page-views, however if only a tiny fraction of those that read what I write get something out of it, I'm more than happy.

Why is the Blog Named as it is?

I was in Melbourne having arrived at my Hotel, and in the Elevator travelling to my room.  This hotel starts at the 35th floor.  I was saying to one of my compatriots how I thought it would be interesting to have  a company that manufactured glass elevator floors to let people see what was below them.

We stopped at an intermediate floor, and an American businessman as he was exiting, stopped, turned to me and said "You are a REALLY sick puppy!!"

So from that time, the name was .. well ... set.