Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finding Emacs - Orgmode

A suitable sub-title for this post would be:

Just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

I couldn't possibly show how to use orgmode in a blog posting.  It is far more profitable to visit the orgmode website and view the youtube videos and tutorials.

Instructions as to the text to insert into your " init.el " file are in the activation section of the orgmode manual.

What I can do though is to give you an overview and just a hint of what you are able to achieve using orgmode.  Orgmode has been likened to being an "Office suite" for Emacs and the comparison is not too far from the truth.  In its basic iteration, orgmode seems to be an outliner, which is where it started life however it also has to-do list capabilities, agenda views, the ability to produce a nicely formatted table and to run spreadsheets and formulas within a text orgmode document.  Then there are the export capabilities - we start with exporting your document as an ascii text document whereupon you see a nicely formatted document with a table of contents at the front.  Then you can export to HTML if you wish or make a beautifully indexed PDF or Latex document.

I suppose I should tell you that Orgmode is included in Emacs.

Finally, these are first lines I put into an orgmode file:

-*- mode:org ; mode:visual-line; mode:predictive -*-
#+STARTUP: indent

The first line I have discussed previously, however the next two lines are specific orgmode instructions that you can read more about in the manual.  The first tells orgmode to indent sub-headings so as to make the document more readable, and the second tells orgmode to export as separate headings down to 4 levels of headings.  If you have, say 5 levels, they will be exported, but not placed as a heading, just text.

I leave the rest to your curiosity.

more later ...........

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