Sunday, October 28, 2012

Smartphones - iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2

v 0.2
28 Oct 12

Smartphones - it is coming to that time where the phone contract is about to expire, and we either negotiate a reduced rate or go on another contract with a new phone.  And so it is with me right now, with some really interesting choices around, and consumers being drip fed actual new hardware.

Just like a lot of people I've been looking seriously at the iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2.  I've had a brief play with an iPhone 5 in an Apple store, and have seen a couple of eager early adopter friends with them, I've had some friends show me their S3 phones, singing the praises and have read and watched as many reviews of all of them as I can.

So what to do - stay with my iPhone line and the Apple ecosystem or branch out to Android?

Well, it is not as simple as that.  Each of the reviews and commentaries I've seen comparing these phones miss the point completely in providing information to potential owners.  It has reached the stage I despair of any sensible commentary.  So, here are my thoughts as to what I want.  You'll notice that there are no performance specs or any of that - you have plenty of reviews to tell you all that.

 Do you want a phone that can do other things, or do you want a device that can also do phone calls?

My current phone is an iPhone 4.  It has been my tutor in my discovery of smartphones, my previous one being a Nokia which, whilst multi-function was rarely used for anything other than phone calls and the odd photo or two.  So at the start of my two-year contract, I was just using the phone, looking at the maps as a gimmick and trying out various apps.  Now, I use maps all the time, use Skype and messaging, and refer to documents.  I've gone from using the phone against my face, to now using the plug-in ear-piece and microphone leads.  It is my time-piece, my camera and alarm clock.  It is my notepad and emergency web browsing experience when I'm away from home (which is often).

Early on in the process, I acknowledged that the iPhone 5 would be the default replacement.  I found the Galaxy S3 to be an attractive phone that offered a lot, however for me, the iPhone offered consistency and integration within the Apple ecosystem - as Apple intended.  I also feel more comfortable with the IOS security the "walled garden" offers.  And yet there were niggling doubts.  Whilst the iPhone does all I want, there is still the question of the screen size and ability to easily view documents and web pages.  I have found both these functions require significant compromise on my current iPhone, and I don't see making the iPhone screen a little taller will fix that.

Enter the Samsung Galaxy Note 2.

My initial thoughts when I saw the reviews were that it was an interesting device.  In almost every case, whilst people initially baulked at its size, they soon became used to it and noted that it didn't bother them.  I wondered about the S Pen.  But I had to admit that the screen size was far more useful than the iPhone and, to a lesser extent the Galaxy S3.

And how do I view my needs now?

I spent some time trying to make sense of the facts and figures, until I realised that it came down to the question above.  Do you want a phone that can do other things, or a device that can also make phone calls?  For me, I think the latter is the answer.  I can use the iPhone 5 for these things, but the Note 2 is better overall.  I've cut a template for the size, and it fits in my pocket fine.  Phone calls?  Use an extension or bluetooth.  As a general device it is far better for note taking, reading documents and so forth.  Yes an iPad can do the general stuff, but you need to carry it around.

So for me, rightly or wrongly, I'm patiently waiting for the Note 2.  I see that as my next "communications device".

later ..........