v 0.2
8th Jun 2013
One thing I've never found very satisfactory is the method of organising shared folders between a Linux guest and the Host systems in Virtualbox. The instructions I've read have never seen to be satisfactory. Until now. In this example, I'll use a Windows host and a Debian Wheezy guest system, however it works exactly the same on my Macbook for OSX.
- First, add a shared folder to the Virtualbox manager for the VM. I added "C:/Users/geoff/share" . Make sure "automount" and "make permanent" are ticked and "read only" NOT ticked for bi-directional sharing.
- Within the Wheezy guest, install the package " gnome-system-tools ". This gives you additional administration tools, such as group management.
- Open "Applications | System tools | Administration | Users and Groups"
- Manage Groups
- Scroll down till you find the group " vboxsf "
- Highlight it and click "Properties"
- You will see a list of usernames in the box "Group Members" - tick the users you wish to be able to use the shared folder. Authenticate the action with the root password.
- Close the programs and Reboot.
- Log in, and open Nautilus - navigate to the " /Media " directory. You will see a directory named (in my case) " sf_share ". (the directory is always named " sf_ ...... " ) . Any file you now place in that directory in Host, will be shown when you open the directory in Guest.