Sunday, September 17, 2017

Two Years !!

v 0.2

I was involved with explaining to some people how they could use a Google Account for more things than email and for some reason came back to my somewhat neglected blog.  Ok .. not as great presentation as I could do but I'd rather do content - I'll get to the pretty bit later.

So, what have I been doing?

My last A380 flight - DFW-SYD.  My longest sector at 17 hrs and 7 minutes.  Quite interesting as we flew along the Mexican Border to San Diego and then on the standard Pacific routings.  The border was quite apparent - vibrant Mexican towns cut off by the US border.

May 2016 - Off to South Africa to get a rating on a ROVOS Convair 440.  Utterly great time with utterly great people.  Except it involved doing some South African Licence stuff - I mean ... I've never even SAT in a Cessna 172.  It all went well until we discovered there was "No Soup (Fuel) for YOU at Seychelles".

As I alluded ... the ROVOS people and everyone else we met at Wonderboom were just wonderful.  If you ever do a ROVOS train journey in Southern Africa you can be assured that the employees you meet are really really motivated to give you the best time ever.

Back to Sydney and sort it all out.  August and it had been sorted.  Back to Wonderboom.  A number of things .. but one day where we had two original Convair 440 aircraft next to each other that flew.  Probably never to be seen again.

The next two weeks were a "fun" time flying across the Indian Ocean to Australia and the new home for this Immaculate aeroplane in Wollongong, New South Wales.

This brings us up to a year ago.

I guess that is another story ... but a good one.
