Sunday, January 9, 2011

Server - eeepc - Debian

v 0.2.3

I know, I'm predictable.  I loaded Debian Squeeze onto the EeePc.  I've had it on there for a while, in fact, having eliminated the original Xandros install.  Two valuable resources for loading Debian onto the EeePc are:
The eeepc does not have a DVD drive, so when I originally purchased it, I had also purchased an external DVD drive.  It has proved useful for a number of tasks over the years.  I first prepared the SSD using my gparted program on bootable CD.  The eeepc 701 has 3 partitions on its SSD.  I left the small one alone and simply combined the 2.5  and 1.5 gig partitions into one.  I did not use a Swap partition.

I installed Debian Squeeze using the Xfce install CD.  I know that perhaps a GUI was not needed, but at that stage I was after a lightweight desktop, and after deciding to keep the machine for a server, just left it there.  It all installed fine using the standard installer, the only addition being to install the Gnome Network Manager, and make the config file correction noted previously in the Debian Wiki.  The WiFi connection to my router works fine.

Xfce recognises the external drive however it drops off occasionally.  In any case, if this is to be a server, then mounting the drive in the fstab file is a necessity for reliability.

Next, sort a static IP within the network.  All the tutorials I found simply configured the wifi entry for a specific IP address.  I took a different route, making a note of the mac address of the wifi card using " ifconfig " and writing down the hardware address.  Then I went to the network router and assigned a specific IP address to that mac hardware card.

Now to be able to access the server from another machine on the network.  The simplest and most straightforward way is to install a secure shell server on the machine, and then log in from another one with the ssh client.  For windows, use putty, and for mac or linux, just use ssh.  Using aptitude on the eeepc Debian install:

aptitude install openssh-server openssh-client

Once the installation is complete, the ssh-server is running as a service on your machine.  There are plenty of tutorials about how to connect with ssh, so I won't repeat them here, needless to say, I can connect from my mac by just entering:

ssh username@(network-ip-address)

If you have modified your hosts file, then you can substitute the hostname for the IP address.  Enter your password if you haven't set up authentication and you can log on as an appropriate user.  Yes, you do need to set up your user account on the server first, since all you are doing is logging on to it as a user, but from over the network.

So there we are, we now have our eeepc server up and running on a static network IP and a SSH server running.  Not much, but it is getting there.

Later .....

Update - Manipulate NTFS file system:

In my case, the drive I have for my server is an external 2.5 inch drive.  Since they all come formatted to ntfs, I have two choices, accept ntfs or reformat.  I shall accept ntfs, so we need to install the ntfs driver:

aptitude install ntfs-3g

Then we need to make a mount point in the .. er .. /mnt directory ..

mkdir /mnt/external

Now we need to edit the fstab file

In fstab, add a line (obviously similar to this - you will have to check your disk drive device)

/dev/sdb1  /mnt/external   ntfs-3g   defaults   0  0


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